One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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HMM One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest There are four central characters in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Three of the central characters are patients in the mental institution and one is the nurse. None of the patients received the necessary treatments, which shows us culture views on unordinary people. McMurphy, starred by Jack Nicolson, is a rebel, he was sent to the work force because of battery and illegal gambling, and he also was accused of statutory rape, which he says she was completely willing. He acts insane to get into the mental institution in order to get out of jail. He antagonizes Nurse Ratched because he had the mindset that the worst they could do to him was send him back to the workforce. He soon learned that he was wrong and they performed shock therapy on him, that didn’t work so they performed lobotomy on McMurphy leaving him in a vegetable state, he was silent and motionless. Chief smothers him with a pillow to basically free him. He did not get the treatment he needed at all. There wasn’t really anything mentally wrong with him before he went into the asylum, but Nurse Ratched was a twisted nurse and eventually made something wrong with McMurphy. Nurse Ratched is all about control. She has no intention of curing the patients; she just wants to control them. In fact, she does the opposite of curing them. She makes them feel shame, inferiority, reminds them of their problems, and denies the fact that they could leave the institution and go into the outside world. She does group therapy with the patients and instead of doing real therapy she lets all the patients attack each other verbally. Her “treatment methods” are far from treatment methods. Nurse Ratched makes the patients worse as time goes on. Eventually she drives Billy to his death. Billy is a young boy who stutters a lot and he’s afraid of what his mother thinks of him.
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