Of Mice And Men Movie Vs Book

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The movie and novel of Of Mice and Men were similar and different in many different ways. They both have the same ideas, although, some scenes are different. In the novel, it was more elaborate than the movie. Some of the scenes in the movie, were more drawn out in the book. In the book, when Gorge finds out that Lennie is carrying a dead mouse with him, George takes it and throws it across the irrigation ditch. Unlike the movie, the novel starts out with George and Lennie at the camp site. It is also way for peaceful in the novel than in the movie. In the novel, the author shares with us that Slim has a thing for Curley’s Wife. Also in the novel, when Lennie flees from the ranch to the camp site to hide, he hallucinates by talking to Aunt…show more content…
They had to add some scenes to show what was going on and they also had to take away scenes to keep the movie under a certain time frame. In the beginning of the movie, it show Lennie and George fleeing from Weed after having the incident with the woman in the red dress. You can also see that Lennie is also a lot older than George. Also, George threw the mouse into the wood and than Lennie went off crying. They also added a scene with George and Curley’s wife to show how she is very mischievous. Lastly, Lennie’s death was more abrupt than the novel because it was a quick move by George, pulling the gun out and pulling the trigger instantly. Most of the things in the movie and novel were the same. Candy’s Dog got shot by Carlson. George and Lennie ate beans in the campsite in both the novel and the movie. Lennie tried to sneak the dog into the bunk house and George made him put it back. Lennie, in both the novel and the movie, had the same exact characteristics. He was always acting like a child and had very little clue of what was going on around him. Lennie also killed Curley’s Wife in both of them. Lastly, George killed Lennie in both of them, too. As you can see, that both the novel and the movie Of Mice and Men, are similar and different in many ways. The two were overall the same. You basically get the same feeling after reading the book and watching the

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