Hard Not Life Esch Summary

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Hard Not Life China, the pit bull, has gone into labor, but she looks nothing like Esch’s mother looked when she was giving birth to Esch's youngest sibling, Junior. Mama had given birth to all four children right there in the house. Esch was only eight at the time so she was of no help to her mother, but Mama had told everyone that she did not need any help. Daddy said that Esch and her two older brothers, Randall and Skeetah, had been easy births, but Junior’s birth was hard. He came into the world purple and blue, and Mama did not want to go to the hospital. Later, Daddy dragged her to the truck to take her anyway, and the children never saw her again. Now, as China suffers in labor, the only person she will let near her is sixteen-year-old…show more content…
He can feel a storm coming. He sends Junior under the house to fetch jugs so that they can be filled with water. Meanwhile, Manny arrives at the house—he is nineteen, two years older than Randall—and the two shoot basketball together. While the boys play, Daddy tells Esch to wash the bottles, but one breaks in her hand, and the blood mingles in the puddled water near her feet. She wants Manny to see her, but does not want him to think her helpless. It is her brother Randall who comes to her aid. Later, she takes the broken bottle pieces out to the Pit to be burned with the family’s other trash. Her family inherited the land there in Bois Sauvage, Mississippi, from her mother’s parents, Mother Lizbeth and Papa Joseph. Papa Joseph used to sell earth from his land until the Pit grew to the size of a pond, and then he and Mother Lizbeth farmed the land. Now, the land is overgrown. At the Pit, Manny meets Esch, and he touches her where he always does before he takes off her pants. The two lie in the red dirt, and Esch shows him that she wants him by moving her hips. He is not the first boy she has been with, but he is the only one she has truly wanted. Back at home, Esch makes Junior take a bath. She is the last to shower, and when she goes to bed, she imagines Manny hovering above…show more content…
They set out supplies, and Skeetah decides that they need more food, so he shoots a squirrel with his BB gun. Randall refuses to clean the squirrel, so Skeetah does, but he accidentally nips the intestines. The smell forces Esch into the bushes to vomit. While the meat is cooking, Marquise, Big Henry, and Manny arrive. Esch comments that Skeetah never named the puppy, so he tells her to give it a name. She chooses Nella. Manny says that they should kill the puppy now to save it from suffering. Skeetah grabs the puppy’s head and twists, swiftly breaking its neck the way his mother used to kill chickens. Afterward, Skeetah takes off his clothes and gets into the water of the Pit to wash the contamination off him. The others soon follow. Naked in the water, Manny approaches Esch, takes her hand and puts it on his penis. Esch looks at his lips and wonders why he never kisses her the way she has seen him kiss another girl. With her other hand, she reaches for his chest, but Manny pulls away. He says her name like he is disappointed, asks her if she is crazy, and tells her that things are not that way. Esch is hurt, and all she can think of is how she has always loved Manny. She knows that the baby is his because she has not slept with any of the other boys since him. Then, all get out of the water and dress, except Skeetah. He leads the way home

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