Oedipus at Colonus

745 Words3 Pages
Bradford 1
Andrew Bradford
Ben Endsley
AP English
Oedipus at Colonus In Sophocles play, “Oedipus at Colonus,” justice versus injustice is a major theme. From one perspective, someone's action is considered normal, while from the other it is not justified. Antigone is a very important character in this play because she is the one who can recognize and act against the unjust actions. An example of an injustice is when Chorus and Man attempt to wish Oedipus and his daughter, his guide, away from their land. Justice can be seen when Oedipus and Antigone were in an area they shouldn't have been and no one did wrong to them and left them to die. These examples are just a couple of the several cases in which this play displays an action showing either justice or injustice that has a large effect on the characters in the plot. Antigone is the foremost character in recognizing justice and injustice and it proves to be a huge attribute for her and Oedipus as the story proceeds. She witnesses how poorly her blinded father is being treated and begins to search for any trace of mercy. She believes that even though his past was scarred and cursed, he still deserves fair justice and is not afraid to openly proclaim her disapproval. She stands up for what she believes is the right treatment of her father and herself. This bravery and bold response to the way others treated her father is a perfect example of how one character can change the role of many others. She sees the unjustly acts and chooses not to merely overlook them. She understands how cruel the treatment really was, and as a result begins to use this new understanding to fight it. Antigone is a woman and therefore, in this era and time period, is not supposed to speak out and stand up for much, especially not in front of men. When Antigone sees the way that the Chorus is treating Oedipus
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