Obedience to Orders

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The Marine Corps has taught me that there are many meanings to the same word. One of those words is accountability, but there is always one thing that is associated with accountability and to me that is obedience to orders. With out one you can never have the other. You may ask your self how do you figure that? Well let me tell you why I think this. First you must look at what is obedience to orders is. Now since the first day of boot camp it is drilled into your head “instant obedience to orders”. This means to me that without question that you need to do what ever it is rather it be mop the floor, move that truck , go get this, go do that. When it comes down to it what it means is with no questions ask you follow any and all lawful orders quickly and with out question. Obedience to orders is part of the foundation of the Marine Corps because this applies to every Marine from officer to enlisted. A failure with obedience to orders at any level in the chain of command effects everyone with in the chain of command rather it be a minor thing or major thing for example someone is told to clean the head and fails to do so. This may seem like a small thing but when someone sees that the head has not been cleaned after someone else was told to do so it irritates the person. Once someone becomes irritated there attitude will change and the way they act may become more angry or upset once that person interacts with another its becomes and chain reaction one person to the next everyone becomes angry or upset the end result becoming a unit or shop having low morale due to having a poor work environment. The other part of this is accountability. Accountability applies to many things accountability of belongings, gear, actions, and your self. Accountability of your belongings such things being your personal things such as id card, and meal card. Accountability of gear

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