Nvq Level5 Essay

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to Date. 1.4 Explain factors to consider when selecting opportunities and activities for keeping knowledge and practice up to date. When considering and selecting the best resources, training and opportunities for keeping knowledge and practice up to date, it is important to take into account the individual needs of each employee, their backgrounds and the service/role they are employed to deliver. Skills for Care CPD framework has been developed to assist employers to ensure their employees are skilled to meet the ever changing social care arena. Each employee should be assisted to develop a Personal Profile as follows: • Linking job descriptions and person specifications to relevant national occupational standards and other competencies to provide a competence based profile of each worker role. • Identifying what learning and development needs each worker has in relation to these competencies and recoding these as personal development plans (PDPs). • Identifying what learning opportunities workers need for their continuing professional development (CPD). The CPD processes that you use will be informed by the person profile and the PDP. Within each employee’s PDP a person centred approach should be applied to address any barriers they have to learning and the plan should be adopted to best suit their needs, to build their confidence and to encourage their enthusiasm and commitment to lifelong learning. Skills for Care leadership and management strategy (SfC 2006a) defines the necessity for Health & Social Care organisations to implement CPD systems to ensure the individual and the organisation effectively implements CPD. The following table indicates the requirements that Skills for Care
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