Never Give Up

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The Moral of Life Is: Never Give Up! It's a drawing of a bird trying unsuccessfully to swallow a frog. The picture illustrates the reason that the bird is not having much success getting this frog down his throat is because the frog is pictured with both his hands clinching the birds by the neck to keep himself from being swallowed. From all appearances, something got to give. Either the bird will get choked to death, or he will split the frog out and let it go. Or the frog will let loose his choke hold and be swallowed or eaten by the bird. The title of the picture is "Don't Ever Give Up!" LOL! If you are trying to achieve success at anything, the first thing you must commit to is that no matter what, you won’t give up. You have to tell yourself that there’s no way you’re going to let yourself fail, no matter what happens. You have to believe that you will never give up. The path to success is a long and winding road. There will be ups and downs. It will be somewhat easy for some people and it will be very difficult for others. And then for everyone else achieving success will be somewhere in between. But one thing that’s certain is if you’re going to be successful then you can’t give-up. It takes all different kinds of people to achieve success. Some people went to college and studied hard for many years. These people got their Bachelor’s, and their Master’s, and some even got their Doctorate Degree. And then they finally ventured out on their own and now they are very successful. Other people begin their journey to success much sooner. Some people drop out of college and some even drop out of high school. They know what they want and they go for it with unwavering passion and dedication. And without a solid education, these people become successful. So you have people who are very well-educated and people who aren’t educated hardly at
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