Nature vs Nurture Jazz

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Nature vs. Nurture The terms nature and nurture were first used in thirteenth century France. This illustrates the fact that the concept has been around for a while. Since then, both sides have tried to prove that their theory is what really influences a human being (McLeod). The naturists argue that a person is born with their personality, talents, and habits. The nature argument is that we are born the way we are and genetics determine everything. The nurture argument is when outside influence such as society determines who you are. The nurturists counter argument is that environment and upbringing influence a person the most (Cherry). According to a nurturist, a person can be taught to be anything. Most people have come to the conclusion that both influence the outcome of what a person is. The synergistic effect of nature and nurture with one another is a more likely explanation to the mystery of the development of a human being (McLeod). I personally think that this is a debate that will stay with us for quite some time. I do not think that I will see a time when everyone will be in agreement one way or another. Nature versus nurture....well, as a logical compromise, I think that our behavior is strongly influenced by both (Cherry). I suppose at the core of it, nature is the basis for the manner in which someone behaves, but the environment certainly has the ability to change what is natural by incorporating a variety of factors. I agree that genes set up an individual to be more likely to behave a certain way, but the environment has the ability to alter that original state and therefore it is clearly a combination of nature and nurture, beginning with nature of course, that truly sets forth a path of behavioral patterns for any given person. Some things are not as simple as nature OR nurture, they require a combination of the two to make a substantial
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