Narrative Essay Charlotte's Web

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Rough Draft: Essay one I was sitting on the ground in front of the neighborhood plaid pantry convenience store. As I looked down at my knees, all I could see was blood running down my legs. At the same time, tears ran down my face and onto my new red shirt that I had just gotten the day before. My left sleeve was torn in a few places making it look like it was about to fall off. By looking at the shirt that I was wearing, no one would have ever thought that it was brand new. It felt like I had been sitting there for hours, crying my eyes out. Yesterday was my 6th birthday. I had received a new bicycle from my parents and a new shirt from my brother. Now everything was gone or ruined. A few hours earlier, I rode my new bike to the convenience…show more content…
Why is it that I had trouble solving my own problems? Almost every time I asked for advice was when I was emotionally unstable. I realized that I had trouble coming to my senses whenever I was upset, sad, or angry. Throughout my life I have seen many other people face the same problem when they are emotionally disturbed. We can see a good example of how emotions can hinder rational thought in the first chapter of Charlotte’s Web. Fern was terrified over the fact that her father was going to kill one of the baby pigs, a common practice among people who raise livestock. Her emotional state prevented her from thinking rationally, in other words, she had trouble coming to her…show more content…
By not getting distracted by sights, smells, and feelings, I had no trouble coming up with the correct necessary actions to solve my problems. Fern’s father illustrates this point in Chapter 1. He wants to kill the pig, which is a very rational thing to do for a farmer, before anyone has a chance to form a connection with the pig. He realizes that once people start feeling, playing, or even remembering how the pig smells, it will be much harder to kill it later on. It’s a very logical way of
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