Narrative Essat Essay

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Essay 2 In this narrative essay, a traveler has a frustrating experience at the airport. 1. Have you ever had trouble trying to get to someplace very important? Where were you going? Why were you having problems? When I was a teenager, I was on my way to graduation ceremony and my father's car was damaged. Was difficult to fix the car, but we could be on time with my family. 2. What is a hero? What do you consider to be a heroic act? I think that a HERO is the person who risks his own life to protect others. And a heroic act is to defend when someone is in danger. Frustration at the airport 1 I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spent the last three endless hours trying to get to the airport so that I could travel home. Now, as I watched the bus driver set my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my frustration had only just begun. 2 This was my first visit to the international section of the airport, and nothing was familiar. I could not make sense of all the signs. Where was the ticket counter? Where should I take my luggage? I had no idea where the customs line was. I began to panic. What time was it? Where was my airplane? I had to find help because I could not be late! 3 I tried to ask a passing businessman for help, but all my words came out wrong. He just scowled and walked away. What had happened? I had been in this country for a whole semester, and I could not even remember how to ask for directions. This was awful! Another bus arrived at the terminal, and the passengers came out carrying all sorts of luggage. Here was my chance! I could follow them to the right place, and I would not have to say a word to them. 4 I dragged my enormous suitcase behind me and followed the group. We finally got to the elevators. Oh, no! They all fit in, but there was not enough room for me. I watched in despair as the
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