Lord Of The Flies Epilogue

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The fat boy shuffled forward, his stomach pushed into the crushed space. His face was round like a circle, a ring of reddish curls limp with humidity encased his face. He was sweating, he felt like he was always sweating. The damp patches under his arms spread like exotic flowers. The humiliating bulge of sweat crevasses in his waistband were impossible to hide. He was dreading this journey, trapped in an aeroplane with other boys he didn’t know. He had learnt how boys acted when they got together, got bored and found him. His weight, his asthma and his determination to speak up about things the other boys didn’t care about,often got him in trouble. But,he had learnt his lesson. This time it was going to be different. He wondered rationally…show more content…
He just wanted this part over. The plane taxied up into the air and shuddered. He missed his Aunty. He wanted to go back to solid ground, but nothing it seemed was safe any more. Geoffrey felt himself clenching and unclenching as his breathing became more and more laboured. Bile rose in his throat, his worst fears it appeared, were to happen. Geoffrey turned to move into the aisle. Without looking at the occupier of the seat next to his, he said in a low voice “Excuse me, I need to get through, I don’t, I don’t...” “You’ll be alright, Don’t worry. You’ll be alright,” repeated a quiet voice. Geoffrey turned and looked at the passenger seated next to him. “Simon, Simon Ambridge” said the boy simply. “Pleased to meet you.” His face looked better up close. The clamminess had retreated, his skin colour was normal and his mouth was raised at the ends in a smile. Geoffrey’s heart thumped against his chest, so loud and obvious the boy next to him must have heard. He was amazed for once in his difficult and humiliating life, God had smiled on
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