My Self Concept

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I know who I am. I see myself as patient, independent, and adventurous, but most importantly, I see myself as a man of God. He is my passion, my one thing that I strive for. My self concept is determined best by my the major life-changing events that happened in my life. There have been a few major life-changing events in my life, and I think the most important one is my parents getting a divorce. In 2012 my parents had a falling-out and my dad ended up taking a break by moving into my grandparents house. After six months of that, my dad divorced my mom. That had a very large impact on my life. I was in a stage of self-denigration. I quit attending church, I quit doing my school work, and cut all ties with my dad. I was depressed. Close to six months later, I started to talk to my dad again. At first nothing changed but over time I grew closer with him, and that began my recovery. After about three to four months later I was doing my school work and attending my church again. From that, it grew my relationship with my father and also God. I feel even closer to my dad than I did before. I realized something about myself that I needed to improve, which is now one of my strongest personality traits. That trait is patience, and thats because no matter how hard something feels, God always has a plan to make the outcome even better than it was before. Another huge impact on my life is when my best friend, Caleb, moved to Colorado. Caleb went to the same church as me and has been my friend for the entire time I have lived in Missouri. He had encouraged my faith in God to a whole other level, but it didn’t realize how important he was till he moved away. It was 2013 and I heard the news from Caleb that they where planning to move to Colorado in a few months. This was devastating and it was unbelievable to me because he was really my only friend. Those last few months

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