My Literacy Narrative Of My Literature Life

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At the first second I got my assignment sheet, which required me to describe my literature life, the only thing came to my mind is how I develop my writing ability. I consider the word “literacy” as the ability to read and write as I read those narratives from Amy Tan and Min-Zhan Lu. However, after the whole week’s working on literacy narrative, my idea of it had been reshaped. I got totally no idea what to write about at the beginning, as I don’t think there is anything special about how I develop my reading and writing during my life. My train of thought just stuck there, until I asked my teacher about it. “Do you have anything interest you most? Such as music or painting?” my teacher asked me. I was like a little bit surprised, “I can even describe my experience about music?” “Of course you can!”…show more content…
So finally I still composed a story of my writing life. After we all finish our essays, we had a peer review, which enables me the chance to go over the literacy narratives from my classmates. Most of my classmates were talking about their experience of how environment structured their study ability. However, one of my peer’s essay focused on movies, which described his life in the US and how movies shaped his idea of this country. Also, another classmate illustrated her relationship with her parents and the way that this relationship affected her study

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