Mussolini's Consolidation of Power

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Assess critically factors that led to Mussolini’s consolidation of power To identify which factors precisely led to Mussolini’s consolidation of power, it is essential to evaluate if his consolidation and rise to power were all because of his ingenious strategies or mere luck and historical timing (if the result of failed liberalism and fear of communism were the factors that strengthened him), as some believe. For instance, a factor that was part of Mussolini’s two-prong strategy was the rule by decree, which empowered him to create certain laws without the sanction and permission of the Parliament, similar to Article 48 in Hitler’s dictatorship later on. As though as he was given this rule by decree by Italy’s Prime Minister, it was because he could convince the Parliament that stern measures were necessary to restore law and order in the country and to prevent a Socialist revolution – which was nearly non-existent – and thus received extraordinary powers. However, it is one to believe it was a strategy of his but others might accept that it was simply ‘luck’ and ‘good timing’ because the Italian Parliament was lost and desperate and the entire country was looking for an austere leader, someone who could indeed make those stern measures, so in the face of despondency Mussolini managed to look greater than he actually was. For one to consolidate power they must be able to do a lot of persuasion such as controlling the media and gaining control of the army. Mussolini managed to do that in 1926 once all rival political parties were banned. This journey to dictatorship and his consolidation of power in particular can explore critically both arguments clearly – was it Mussolini’s approaches and strong personality or simply luck - which to the extent of this essay will be followed by several other factors that led to Benito Mussolini’s consolidation of power. In
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