Music At The Turn Of The Century Analysis

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Music at the Turn of the Century While walking around the Stephenville Historical Museum there were two things in particular that caught my eye. They were both record players that dated back to the early 1900s, and one was even said to be from 1905.The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison, patented in 1878, and comes from the Greek word meaning sound and is literally translated to phone. Also, instead of vinyls like we know today, cylindrical tin foil was used to make the disk that would produce sound. When lines and grooves were cut or etched onto the disk, a needle would trace over the lines and the vibration from this process created sound. Soon after the invention caught on, the tin foil was replaced by cylindrical cardboard coated in wax, and eventually vinyl which of course is still used today. The gramophone was invented in 1887 by a German immigrant named Emile Berliner, and while it was based on the same concept of Edisons phonograph, Berliners invention was the first to record sound and play it…show more content…
To play music on the phonograph the operator was required to rotate a hand crank and essentially wind the machine up in order for the record to play. The second piece I found at the museum was an Edison phonograph that dated back to 1905. During this time period and around the time that John Tarleton College was founded, popular music was becoming more accessible to the American public. Jazz and Ragtime were among the most popular genres of music at this time, and in 1899, Scott Joplins song Maple Leaf Rag was the most popular Ragtime song purchased on sheet music. Phonographs and gramophones were becoming more of a staple in the homes of America and in order for the musician to record their sound, they had to sing or play their instrument directly into the large cylinder horn found on these

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