Mkt 421 Marketing Course Analysis

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|[pic] |School of Business | | |MKT/421 Version 12 | | |Marketing | Course Description This course involves an integrated analysis of the role of marketing within the total organization. Specific attention is given to the analysis of factors affecting consumer behavior, the identification of marketing variables, the development and use of marketing strategies,…show more content…
Any work submitted after the due date will be penalized 25% of possible points within 24 hours of when it was due. Work submitted after 24 hours will lose 50% of possible points. No assignments will be accepted after the last day of the class. Learning Teams Learning Teams are an essential part of the academic experience for students. In addition to providing a supplemental learning environment of mastery of course content, Learning teams provide students with an opportunity to develop and refine teamwork skills. Teams must include a minimum of three and maximum of five students. The average time allowance for meeting team assignment requirements is approximately five hours per week for an undergraduate course and four hours for a graduate course. Students determine the learning team modality (and possible location) for each team meeting. Students do not have to meet face-to-face, nor should they insist that students who cannot meet face-to-face because of life constraints meet in this modality. Many options are open to students including OLS Main Forum, Learning Team Forum, email, teleconferencing, instant messaging, small group work and independent work. There should be some expectation that face-to-face meetings will occur under certain circumstances such as rehearsing for presentations, compiling papers,…show more content…
• Explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. • Describe the elements of the marketing mix. • Explain the importance of the marketing mix in the development of marketing strategy and tactics. • Create a marketing plan. • Identify quantifiable elements that can be used to evaluate, monitor, and control marketing effectiveness. Week Two: Marketing Research • Justify the importance of marketing research in the development of marketing strategy and tactics. • Analyze the importance of competitive intelligence and analysis in marketing. • Identify various segmentation criteria that impact target market selection. • Describe the various types of organizational buyers and consumers and the factors that influence their purchasing decisions. Week Three: Marketing Strategy: Product and Price • Describe the relationship between differentiation and position of products or services. • Analyze the impact of the product life cycle on marketing. • Identify the appropriate price strategy that should be used in the development of the strategic marketing plan. Week Four: Marketing Strategy: Place and

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