Mexican Drug Cartel Research Papers

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English 015 9:00 22 May 2012 Mexican Drug Cartels Mexican drug cartel: large gangs in Mexico who control shipments, manufacturing, and transportation of narcotics. Also corrupts political officials, Army and Navy persons, police of all kinds including federal, municipal, and also judges. I would like to show you how the Mexican drug cartels got created, who they are, who is in control, and why and what they are so gruesomely fighting for. Also is the President of Mexico to blame for an uprising in violence when the head of a cartel is either captured or arrested? The first drug cartel to be in Mexico was controlled by Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. He also went by the nickname “ El Padrino” or “ The Godfather” because of the control…show more content…
The Los Zetas had a split with the original group and became an independent cartel who is the second biggest cartel and first in a means of violence. The cartel is now headed by Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano who goes by the nick name “Z-3” which refers to his rank when the original Los Zetas started out, three being he was third in command at the time. At this time he is still at large. Los Zetas are very brutal in their ways such as beheading people or hanging them from bridges with gruesome notes attached to them. They control the second biggest territory and are the most hated by other gangs. (Beith,…show more content…
La Familia started out as an organization known as La Empresa. (Grayson pg.17) La Empresa was a group of hit men who worked for different cartels who were all from the same region or state: Michoacan. Although they worked for different cartels they all knew each other and formed what eventually became La Familia. The cartel gained national attention when on September 6, 2006 La Familia members burst into a disco dance club and lobbed five decapitated heads from the Los Zetas cartel their mortal rivals with the message that said “ The Family doesn’t kill for money. It doesn’t kill women. It doesn’t kill innocent people, only those who deserve to die. Know that this is Divine Justice.” (Grayson pg. 30) La Familia claims to be a Christian and Catholic related organization who are here to defend the people of Michoacan who cannot defend themselves. Their members are to carry Bibles and to attend church every Sunday. The cartel was at its strongest when lead by Nazario “El Mas “Loco” “The Craziest One” or “El Chayo” “The Doctor” Moreno Gonzalez and Jose de Jesus Mendez Vargas or “El Chango” “The Monkey” who controlled half the state of Michoacan each. After the death of “ El Chayo” in December 2010 the cartel splintered and broke up into another faction known as Knights Templar headed by La Familia’s former coordinator of trafficking Servando Gomez or “La Tuta”. “La Tuta” took control of the cartel when “El Chango Mendez” refused to

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