Metabolism Exam

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Exam 1 Review Pg. 10- Planning phase provides time to obtain special equipment for interventions. Pg. 13- 5 Rights- meds can be given ½ hr before or after written order (depending on last meal) Pg. 25- metabolism is also referred to as biotransformation because it involves the biochemical alteration of a drug into an inactive metabolite. LIVER IS INVOLVED IN METABOLISM. Pg. 38- Pediatrics 1. Gastric ph is less acidic because acid producing cells in stomach are immature until approx. 1-2 years of age. 2. Gastric emptying is slowed because of slow or irregular peristalsis. 3. First-pass elimination by the liver is reduced because of the immaturity of the liver and reduced levels of microsomal enzymes. 4. Intramuscular absorption…show more content…
81 Implementation- the nurse may also need to identify aids to help the patient in safe administration of medications at home such as the use of pill boxes, calendars, pill reminder stickers. Pg. 92- Selected herbs and delayed substances 1. Grapefruit- decreases metabolism of drugs used in ED (erectile dysfunction). 2. Garlic- possible interference with hypoglycemic therapy. 3. Chamomile- increased risk for bleeding with anticoagulants. 4. Cranberry- Decreased elimination of many drugs that are renally excreted. 5. Kava- may increase the effect of barbiturates and alcohol. Pg. 99 Withdrawal toxicity and overdose- Naltrexone- works by blocking opioid receptors so that the use of opioid drugs does not produce euphoria. When euphoria is eliminated the effect of the drug is lost. Pg. 101- Effects of stimulants 1. Adverse effects are commonly on extension of their therapeutic effects. 2. The CNS related adverse effects are restlessness, syncope (fainting), dizziness, tremor, hyperactive reflexes, talkativeness, tenseness, irritability, weakness, insomnia, fever, and sometimes euphoria. Pg. 160 The most serious adverse of opioid use is CNS depression, which may lead to respiratory depression reversed by Narcan (antidote) aka Nalaxone (IV), adverse effects of…show more content…
Patient on feeding, which type of drug to promote? PROKINETIC DRUGS. 2. Persistent diarrhea……….. INTESTINAL FLORA MODIFIERS. 3. 10 year old……………….. RITALIN THERAPY HEIGHT AND WEIGHT. 4. Teaching patient about antiepileptic drug, which instruction should you include? DRUG SHOULD BE CONSISTENT, OBSERVE CLOSELY DRUG DOSE AND FREQUENCY. 5. Patient has routine seizure dilatin 18mg…. NO THERAPEUTIC CORRECTION. 6. Patient takes restoril for insomnia, patient calls nurse, what will be nurses explanation……… IT IS A HANGOVER EFFECT. 7. Patients say I haven’t seen the Med? I WILL LOOK INTO IT. CHECK THE MED. 8. Patient teaching…… HAVE PATIENT TO DO SEVERAL SELF-DEMOSTRATIONS. 9. What reflects a measurable goal? PATIENTS WILL SAFELY DEMOSTRATE PROPRE TECHNIQUE. 10. Patient to forget to take medications, what will you suggest doing? PILL BOXES, CALENDARS, PILL REMINDER STICKERS. 11. Patients eat large amount of garlic, what would have interventions with garlic? INSULIN AND HYPOGLYCEMIC. 12. Naltrexone has which effect? OIPOID DRUGS USED, WILL NOT HAVE AND EFFECT, DRUG EUPHORIA NOT PRODUCED SUCH EFFECT IS LOST. 13. 24 year old admitted restless, hyperactive nurse suspect:
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