Memory- Outline and Evaluate the Working Memory Model

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3. Question 6: Outline and evaluate either Multi-store model/Working Memory model Answer: Working memory model Baddeley and Hitch designed the Working memory model in 1974 to show how the short-term memory works. The Articulatory loop focuses on speech production and acoustic information. The central executive has a limited capacity; however it has overall control, is multi-modal, and has a range of responsibilities such as monitoring and correcting errors. It can also retrieve information by switching between storage and retrieval and is supported by the two separate slave systems. The phonological loop, also called the “inner voice” has a limited capacity and deals with verbal and speech base information. The visuo-spatial sketchpad, also called the “inner eye” also has a limited capacity and deals with visual and spatial information. The good thing about this model is that it helps us to understand and explain some of the results of brain damaged patients. Particularly in the case of KF, who after having a motorcycle accident part of his short-term memory got damaged (phonological loop) and the visual short-term memory seemed fine. This case is highly ecologically valid and it supports the idea of separate sections. Another strength about the Working memory model is that there is lots of empirical evidence to support it. For example the case study which Baddeley carried out in 1996 where he investigated the central executive and how it helps us to pay attention and how it switches retrieval. He concluded that the central executive was able to switch but not effectively because it had a limited capacity. You can easily make generalisations from the study, therefore it is more credible. It is better than the multi-store model because it shows the active processes of memory. It shows the retrieval process which makes it more detailed.
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