Outline and Evaluate the Working Memory Modal

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The working memory model (WMM) was designed by Badley and Hitch in (1974). They felt that the short term memory was not one store but a number of different stores, that there was more going on in the short term memory than just rehearsal as proposed in the multi store modal memory. It consists of the Central Executive which is the key component of the working memory model. All material from our short term sensory store is processed here, it involves many higher mental processes; such as decision making and problem solving. The central executive is also said to co -ordinate the performance of two separate tasks. It has limited capacity; however it is quite flexible and can use two slave systems, the phonological loop and the visual sketch pad. The phonological loop is the most extensively studied part of the working memory. It also has a limited duration and capacity. But this is more to do with how long it takes us to recite a word not how many words we can hold. The analogy is that the loops similar to a tape recorder. The faster you recite something into a microphone the more words you can hold onto a loop of recording tape. It’s used when we have to learn new words. It is divided into the phonological store and the articulatory process. The phonological store called the ‘inner ear’ deals with auditory information and preserves the order of the information. It has duration of about two seconds unless rehearsal by the articulatory process occurs. However, on the other hand the articulatory process is like the ‘inner voice’. It explains evidence for acoustic coding in short term memory. It holds the words that are heard or seen and has a capacity of roughly two seconds. The Visual Spatial Sketch Pad is where the visual and spatial information is stored. The whole sketch pad is used when we have to plan a task e.g. driving along the road and approaching

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