Macbeth Argumentative Essay

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1. In my quest for answers, I stumbled upon a very important idea. What exactly is it that drives a person crazy? All other variables aside, a clear answer formed in my mind. I thought to myself, it MUST be all about where a person lives! Right? 2. Say you grow up on a farm.. the focus there is family.. work… and ethics. You don’t grow up with a ton of people and can just enjoy a quiet, relaxing life. 3. Or maybe you grew up in the city… maybe the suburbs. Living life in the hustle and bustle every day. Worrying about fashion and starbucks. These two lives are completely different, but is one better than the other? Will one make you crazy? 4. How about the middle ages? Fighting every day with a sword or being a nice little farmer…show more content…
The fact that Macbeth was already so close to the top and so heavily influenced by his wife didn’t help much and that’s without even mentioning the prophecy he so eagerly wanted to come true. Macbeth knew all he had to do was murder King Duncan to take the throne. 12. However, once he had reached the top, his insanity grew worse and worse despite what one would believe to occur. If his insanity was driven by a need for power wouldn’t he come to grips once he had all the power in the world? This idea alone drives that there must be something else. 13. The experience Macbeth went through can be most similarly compared to peer pressure. His fear of losing his unworthy position on the throne drove him to the brink of a mental breakdown. His fear of everyone else caused him to not only destroy himself, but his entire country. 14. Macbeth took everything way too seriously, and his paranoia caused him to make mistakes he normally would have never made. Although he was never in any danger, his subconscious mind twisted reality against himself, crossing a threshold of no return. 15. What does this tell us? Firstly that society doesn’t play a direct role, although some parts of different societies can all contribute to indefinite madness. In Macbeth’s case, I personally believe it wasn’t his

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