Love Vs Infatuation

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Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach? This sensation is something that most people have felt at less once in their life. In addition, people think that this feeling means love; however, it is far from it. Although infatuation and love are feelings there are some differences between them like their origin, how you see your mate and how long each can last. People can take into consideration these characteristics in order to identify if they are into infatuation or true love. The biggest difference between infatuation and love is their origin. According to Helen Fisher, PhD Biological Anthropologist infatuation is “caused by a chemical reaction in the body. The hormones released accounts for some of the feelings of elation. In truth, you are "high" on “dopamine” is the reason why you feel happy and you see the world in a “pink color”. Love on the other hand is a result of living day- to- day in a relationship, this feeling isn´t support by the highs of hormones, but by a share of time and respect of each other in the relationship. Comparing both feelings you can notice another difference, it is how you see your mate in your relationship. In infatuation you are first than your couple the relationship is based on attraction, you see your partner as a person who can satisfy your sexual necessities more than a person who you want to share your life with. In infatuation your mate is “something” not “someone”, whereas in love your couple is your complement, is “someone” who is emotionally and intellectually compatible with you. Infatuation is selfish while real love is basically selfless. Finally, the last difference between them is how long each can last. Infatuation can last, at most, several months before it starts to fade. Love, on the other hand, is capable of lasting fifty years or more. The reason is because infatuation is based on
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