Living a Healthy Lifestyle

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Informative Speech: The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle Introduction: Hey guys, so we all know that living a healthy lifestyle can be very rewarding, but also a challenge when every day you are faced with processed foods, the lack of time to exercise or just needing that Friday night where you need to go out with friends to unwind from a long week in the office. Driving to and from school, you pass many different options that are available for fast food; even consuming small amounts of alcohol could drive you towards a non-healthy lifestyle. Today, I will talk about the benefits of eating healthy and just living a very healthy life. First off, living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t just include eating healthier or hitting the gym every day. It also includes paying close attention to some safety issues that would increase your potential for being injured. For example, when lifting weights, you should know the appropriate technique to prevent any injuries to your back or any part of the body that could haunt you in your future. Another example of this was when I hurt my knee. I never had any re-occurring injuries until I hurt my knee during volleyball my senior year in high school. Volleyball, as I mentioned is my favorite sport, so when I was out for a couple of games, I made sure to exercise my knee to the point where I was ready to get back out onto the court. I was comfortable with everything except for jumping. I mean, that’s what got me injured in the first place, going up for a hit. During practice one day, I went up for my first hit after I had injured my knee, and not to my surprise, hurt it again. The point of this example is that, I hurt my knee every so often even to this day, and I have been out of high school for 4 years now. This time I hurt my knee getting out of my bed. So paying attention to activities that might injure you is vital to your health

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