Literature Review for Pgdip in Counselling

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Throughout our counselling careers we will come in to contact with clients who are from very different cultural backgrounds and situations from ourselves. It is our job as counsellors to be aware of these differences with an understanding of not only our own identity but the clients too. Through a review of four articles I will demonstrate the effect that differing socio-political and cultural backgrounds of potential clients can have on the counselling process and the demands and challenges this poses for the counselling profession. Furthermore, I will discuss my own social background and I how this affects my professional development in terms of considering the issues raised in the literature on counselling young people with diverse cultural and social backgrounds. In the article “On Developing our Empathic Capacities to Work InterCulturally and Inter – ethnically: Attempting a Map for personal and Professional Development” by Colin Lago (2010), he discusses how important it is for therapist to “have an understanding of how the socio-political environment influences and impinges upon the lives of those in minority groups.” This statement helps us to be aware of the differences and difficulties some of our clients maybe facing. Lago also says must be able to “contrast their own beliefs and attitudes to those clients in a non-judgemental way” to me, this implies that for a counsellors’ work to be fully effective we must accept anyone that enters our therapy room regardless of any differences. The article “Counselling Marginalised Young People: A qualitative analysis of young homeless people’s views of counselling” (Cormack, 2008) asks how young homeless people view counselling and how the profession can help meet their needs in order to be more effective. For this particular group the key issue was not (aside from the common preference for a female
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