How Does Society Shape Society

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Society shapes people in different ways: there are some who behave based on what other people would think of them and others who just do not care. This affects their behaviors in both public and private environments. The library is considered a public place given that anyone can go there. However, there are certain private spots within the library. After spending two consecutive hours at the library, four different groups of individuals, who have no relationship with one another, caught my attention. The first two groups consist of one individual male student, the third group consists of three girls, and the fourth group consists of several students of different age. By observing these different individuals in certain areas within the library, deductions about their views on society were determined. The first group is a male student who came on his own to the library. The seat he chose showed that he was alone: a one-seated table in the more isolated area of the library. Moreover, the fact that he put on…show more content…
As their screens show, they are definitely not here to study: Facebook is on every single screen. Moreover, the fact that they are being loud, giggling, having fun with a group of other friends, and half of them sitting on the floor proves even more that they are not going to work any time soon. Although it might seem that people gazing at them does not bother them, they might be doing this in order to attract everyone’s attention on them. Usually when people know they are being gazed upon, they alter their behavior in order to be more impressive and presentable to society. However, this group of girls does not change their behavior, which therefore says that they do not care about how society perceives them. Although one might say that it was because they were in a large group that they behaved this way, other groups that were present prove that everyone does not apply this

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