Women In The Magic Lantern

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Women and men have been viewed differently throughout history. Men have been seen as dominant, strong figures while women have been seen more feminine and timid. Throughout history, many women have changed the narrow view to prove that women are equal to men. In “The Magic Lantern” by Jose Tomas de Cuellar, women of the nineteenth century are seen a little more prim and showed in a narrowed view. They are shown to be women of stature worried about their appearance and clothing. Men are seen to be strong bold figures that can make a woman melt to her knees. The expectance of women in the nineteenth century was a little strict. They were to show in public a certain way to only be proper in front of others. When the main character is getting…show more content…
“She took her sister Rebecca aside and tried to fit her with a little basket. Natalia favored a breadbasket, and make very sensible claims for its flexibility and light weight” (Cuellar 35); by providing this information to the read, it provides a peek into the history of bigger rear ended women getting more attention. The women would stuff the baskets or sometimes even bird cages underneath their dresses to make their rear end look bigger. This was suppose to attract a mate better because men back then enjoyed a little bigger booty but a slender waist. This shows that women’s ideas of having a bigger back side would attract mates easier because it seems to be magnet but it does not seem to usually attract the correct type of guys women expect it…show more content…
They could not wear anything too revealing like nothing above ankle length or anything that showed off their skin. But by wearing make up women would be a little freer to show how sexual they could or would be. This did not mean to wear globs of make up but just enough to get a potential mate’s attraction. The idea of make up has changed over time and it seems that the more a woman puts on the less attractive she is but if the women wears none she is seen to not care much about her appearance. There is a thin line women have to tread but we seem to be during it
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