Level 2 Cerificate in Preparing to Working in Adult Social Care Assessment 1 Working in Adult Social Care

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LEVEL 2 CERIFICATE IN PREPARING TO WORKING IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE ASSESSMENT 1 WORKING IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE QUESTION 1 EXPLAINE HOW A WORKING RELATIONSHIP IS DIFFERENT FROM A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP They both apply in different sphere; the first determination refers to work related aspects e.g. professional codes of conduct, employer policies and all relevant procedures according to which ''we needs to perform our daily duties'', as the second one applies to private life. In our 'working relationship' we are friendly to other colleagues, individual service users or employers. However, we would not share any sensitive data in relation to our work with third parties; that how we do when we met our friends and talk about non-work related aspects. 'Working relationship' is not that emotional like 'personal relationship', even sometimes we come across strong and intensive feeling, but then we need to remember to follow appropriate guidelines and procedure, which apply in our work environment. QUESTION 2 DESCRIBE TWO DIFFERENT WORKING RELATIONSHIPS YOU WOULD FIND IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS 1st one refers to relation with our colleagues with whom we develop fairly formal and friendly relationship. We cooperate with each other on daily basis with respect. 2nd refers to relationship between management and staff (employees) - complying with internal policies and special procedures or/and agreed ways of performing duties. QUESTION 3 DESCRIBE WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO ADHERE TO THE AGREED SCOPE OF YOUR JOB ROLE IN AN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS It is important, inter alia because: the level of responsibility will be defined in scope; duties and responsibilities will be outlined for our role and we will perform only that job, that duties in terms of whom we have been trained. QUESTION 4 OUTLINE WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERM ‘AGRRED WAYS OF WORKING’ Agreed

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