Legal and Ethical Parameters

1486 Words6 Pages

Apply Legal and
Ethical Parameters to Nursing Practices

Jo-Anne McKenzie
Student number: 375532492 Due: 18/7/13

Complete answers for the following questions

1) Elijah Rasmussen, 18 years old, has been admitted to your local health facility for surgery. Elijah is placed into the care of the nurse.
Why should nursing practice be conducted within the acts/guidelines of Commonwealth and State laws?
It is a legal requirement. Nurses are accountable for their professional judgment and actions. To protect the nurse from liability. To practice nursing with understanding and confidence. (Berman, Snyder, Levette-Jones, Dwyer, Hales, Harvey, Luxford,Moxham, Park, Parker, Reid-Searle and Stanely, 2012, p 59)

2) Elijah has an intellectual disability. Prior to surgery consent must be obtained.
Outline what constitutes a valid consent?
Consent must be given freely. It may be written, verbal or implied. If the patient has an intellectual disability they may not be able to consent to treatment due to limited or no understanding of the procedure needing to be done. A substituted decision maker who is authorized by law (legislation such Guardianship Act 1987 NSW) will be appointed. Berman et al (2012 pp74-75)

3) Explain the term duty of care when caring for Elijah?
The nurse has the responsibility of providing care to their patient at an acceptable standard within their scope of practice regardless if that patient has been assigned to them or not while they are on duty. Berman et al (2012 p 79)

4) Elijah may not be able to give his own consent and his guardian may be involved, as a nurse you may have to act as an advocate for your client.
What would this involve?
Stepping in on behalf of the patient to represent their needs and wishes to other health professionals. The nurse
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