Context of Nursing/Nurses Role

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Henry is due to have surgery in 3 month; this essay will explore the nurse’s role in Henrys care. This is a fictional scenario therefore no permission to use names during this essay is needed. If real people where being used then authorization and consent will have been gained or alias names would be used. In this essay there will be discussions on the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in relation to safeguarding vulnerable patients which will later be linked to Henry and his care. The nurse has a responsibility to find out if Henry is a vulnerable adult and if so what makes him vulnerable and what makes people in general vulnerable, including concerns that could arise from being vulnerable for example abuse. Patients have rights, so the role of the nurse will be looked at in great depth which will include clinical skills, communication, decision making, teaching, caring and knowledge, and how to address the patients’ rights using some of these skills. Henrys autonomy will need to be promoted by the nurse along with confidentiality, the nurse will have to justify professional conduct and any interventions needed to support Henry and his daughter, this will include autonomy and advocacy. Henrys daughter is very keen to see her father have the operation even though there are major risks involved. Henry is not so convinced and as the procedure looms closer he asks his nurse to help him make a decision on whether or not to go ahead with the procedure. The conclusion will involve how the nurse negotiates with Henry and what outcomes will be possible for Henry and his daughter. It is the responsibility of the nurse and multi-disciplinary teams to identify and protect vulnerable patients. Defining what is vulnerable is very difficult; The Department of Health (DOH ) describe a vulnerable adult as “a person aged 18 years and over, who is in receipt of or may be

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