Leadership In George W. Bush's Oath Of Office

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Decision Points Review In former United States President George W Bush’s memoir, Decision Points, leadership is exemplified to its upmost quality. Equipped with Christian ethics, nigh flawless integrity, a business degree from Harvard, steadfast tenacity for protecting American citizens, and a “good ole” southern drawl, George W. Bush has arguably been one of the most decisive, direct, and forward moving of all United States presidents. The events that took place following his Oath of Office, on the day of September 11th will never escape the minds of Americans, and because of Bush’s direct action, neither will that escape the minds of terrorism around the world. The impact Bush had on not only the U.S, but also the entire world during his…show more content…
It is made clear in his few opening chapters that George W. Bush is a Christian and leads a life with integrity beyond reproach and a high code of morals brought on by the Bible. For example, in a highly controversial decision, President Bush cut all governmental funding for stem-cell research because he believed that God is the designer of life, and humans should never try to duplicate or pervert God’s natural design. He is also quoted in saying that all his decisions were guided with this Christian moral conduct. As one reads Decision Points, it is hard to not find the traces and evidence of faith written in every important decision he made. As any Christian would agree, guidance through faith in God is a must in all aspects of leadership and should never be ignored, especially for presidency. Also, in a political system warred by two opposing parties, the Republicans vs. Democrats, it is good to note that Tony Blair, a staunch democrat, was quoted in saying that out of all the political leaders, George W. Bush carried the most integrity in and out of his presidency. This speaks volumes into Bush’s credibility in the aspects of his integrity, which should never go unnoticed in terms of positions of leadership. By using President Bush as a figure of integrity and high ethics, one can learn that leadership without…show more content…
Bush was true man of leadership. He proved through his direct action in the occurrences following September 11th, the Iraq War, education and medicare reform, cutting taxes, and other such decision, action, if used wisely, will always be better than ignorance. He proved through exemplifying beyond reproach integrity and moral conduct through controvercial decisions surrounding Stem Cell Research and other such areas, that leadership must be followed by true faith. Lastly, he proved that humility in areas whether right or wrong, is key to respect, knowledge and

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