Leadership Assessment Research Paper

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Leadership Assessment Patsy M. Mendoza Professor: Kevin McKenzie Business 302 August 21, 2013 Leadership Assessment Organizational leaders are expected to create realistic visions for their companies and the employees they guide, but these visions often have characteristics or properties that differ. There is, therefore, the realization that there is no one best leadership style to guide employees toward accomplishing organizational goals. Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you. I am currently employed at the Camden City School District. I work in the Business and Finance Department. The Business…show more content…
Organizations that seek global market relevancy must embrace diversity – in how they think, act and innovate. Diversity can no longer just be about making the numbers, but rather how an organization treats its people authentically down to the roots of its business model (Llopis, 2011). Many corporations have tried to buy their diversity but this is not something that can be bought and for those organizations that continue to embrace this approach will tarnish their brand (Llopis, 2011). America is changing and this new world carefully evaluates how organizations relate to it (Llopis, 2011). Corporations need to understand that diversity is not just about accessing multicultural markets. Diversity leadership must drive innovative perspectives (Llopis, 2011). Companies must fully understand diversity and its significance which includes embracing many different types of people, who stand for different things and represent different cultures, generations, ideas, and thinking (Llopis,…show more content…
These issues cause many rifts in a successful society and workplace and often prevent goals of the organization and the teams within from accomplishing their goals and achieving their missions. Most importantly, leaders must be aware of these challenges in order to rise above them and lead successful teams, while also reaping the many benefits that diversity provides. References Author Unknown. Mind Tools. 1996 – 2013. Leadership Styles. Retrieved from: http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/05/what_is_organizational_culture.html Llopis, G. (2012). The Top 9 Things That Ultimately Motivate Employees to Achieve. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/glennllopis/2012/06/04/top-9-things-that-ultimately-motivate-employees-to-achieve/ Llopis, G. (2011). Diversity Management is the Key to Growth: Make it Authentic. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/glennllopis/2011/06/13/diversity-management-is-the-key-to-growth-make-it-authentic/ Greenberg, J. (1998 – 2010). Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions. Retrieved from:

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