Internal and External Factors Paper

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Internal and External Factors Govan Henry XMGT/230 August 03, 2014 Patricia Hall Internal and External Factors The four functions of management include planning, organizing, leading and controlling. These four functions are the vital fundamentals of any successful management team, whether it be business, educational or personally. Planning is creating specific goals and making decisions on how best an individual, group, department, or overall organization will work to achieving those goals (Bateman & Snell, 2011). Organizing and building the proper organizational structure, which includes human, physical, informational, financial and other resources to reach the goals is a critical function. Leading is motivating and communicating with those individuals and groups to stimulate them to perform at a high level. Controlling is overseeing the organization to make sure the goals are being met to the standards of the company. There are internal and external factors that affect the functioning of management. With the competitive environment constantly evolving and changing, management teams must take in the consideration their competitors and consumers. Globalization, technology, innovation, diversity and ethics are the internal and external factors that require the four functions of management to ensure the success of a company. Companies may fly high for a while, but they cannot do well for every long without good management (Bateman & Snell, 2011). Globalization is the ability to trade and provide goods, services and capital worldwide. A good management team is required to run an organization as they embark on expanding their business globally, meeting the needs of their customers located anywhere in the world. Globalization directly affects the core

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