Key Stage 4 P1

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Key Stage 4 2012 – 2013 Year 10 and 11 (I)GCSE Core and Optional Subjects Information Book Message from Mr. Arthur (Vice Principal Academic) Welcome to Key Stage 4 options. The purpose of this booklet is to provide both students and parents with information about the courses that are available in Years 10 and 11 at Day Waterman College. Some subjects are compulsory as these are essential for a good all round education and for progression to higher level qualifications and university entrance. Going into Key Stage 4 is the first time students will be able to make choices about the subjects that they want to study in more detail – similarly they will be able to make choices about subjects that they don't want to study! The purpose…show more content…
In a typical school day you are required to perform a wide variety of tasks. In order to be a successful student you will need to be very well organised in all areas of your work. Although it may seem an obvious area, the efficient organisation of books and equipment is vital. The student who does not bring the right books to class or forgets a calculator for Mathematics, for example, is less likely to get as much from a lesson as the student who always brings what is needed and organises his/her material in an efficient way. While some subjects provide exercise books for you to work in, others may require you to use a file. While files give more flexibility in terms of what you put into them there are one or two points that you need to be aware of: Files should be well organized with dividers splitting up one area of a subject from another. Rather than carrying a number of heavy files to or from school it is better to use one file for transporting papers and keep your main storage files at home. There is nothing more distressing than a file containing two years worth of notes going missing in the last month before I/GCSE. Frequently you will be required to hand in work which you have completed using

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