The Pros and Cons of Traditional vs. Online College

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THE PROS AND CONS OF TRADITIONAL VS. ONLINE COLLEGE ENGLISH 121: ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 Dr. Melissa Holmberg 25 February 2012 Traditional colleges vs. online colleges have several pros and cons to include the convenience factor and the need for books and supplies. The pros of online college outweigh the cons of traditional college in convenience factor; however the one on one interaction you get with traditional college supplements the learning experience. Online classes are meant to be convenient in the fact that you don’t physically attend class, purchase a new wardrobe or purchase any extra supplies. Traditional courses give you the ability to interact with other students and instructors to help you along your course of study. Travel requirements for traditional and online courses differ in convenience level. With a traditional college you must travel to and from classes and campus. There is no commute with online college which can save time and money on travel expenses. While attending online college, most of your resources are right at your fingertips. Traditional colleges require you to spend numerous hours at local libraries. When you factor in library fees and the gas it takes to get there, it’s less time and money spent if you’re an online student. Traditional colleges allow free interaction between other students and instructor. The instructor or professor is in the classroom in order to ask questions if needed and other students to provide feedback. With online college you do not have this ability. You must converse with your instructor via email, which can be frustrating if waiting on an answer to be able to finish your assignment. When conversing with other students, you have to rely on your posts to make your point. This can be frustrating to some people as it does not allow for spontaneous interaction. The added expenses of

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