Johari Window Essay

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'SEE ME' Exercise I found the 'See Me' exercise very productive and learned that I am self deprecating, when my colleague told me that she thought I was being "too hard on myself". I am self critical and have difficulty accepting praise or compliments. This stems from the childhood belief of pride being sinful. " The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. The easiest is to give advice." ---- Aldous Huxley Context/Understanding Johari Window The Johari Window is a communication model to improve understanding and build trust with others by disclosing information about yourself and with the help of feedback, learn about yourself and come to terms with personal issues. There are four perspectives: - 1.Open/free area 2.Blind area, 3.Hidden area and 4.Unknown area Personal Reflection "To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves." ---Aldous Huxley 1. ‘Open self/free area‘ This is the area where everything is out in the public arena. All the information about myself - behaviour, attitude, feelings, emotion, knowledge, experience, skills and views is known by myself. To be more effective and productive, I need to share with my team without mistrust, confusion, conflict or misunderstanding. Feedback is basically asking and telling and through this I can reduce my blind area. My aim is to promote a culture and expectation for open, honest, positive, helpful, constructive, sensitive communications. The 'blindspot‘ I tend to delude myself and withhold issues. Sensitive feedback and encouragement can help to alleviate fear. This can only happen when I feel safe and can trust my fellow members. When blind spots are revealed, the team will be stronger through mutual understanding. 3. ‘Hidden area' The mask I wear hides all the stuff I keep

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