Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

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Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key For your class reading assignment, you are to answer the following questions. The questions are to be written in paragraph style. Your paper should be a minimum of three double-spaced pages. Your answers to the questions must show great depth and revelation. Make sure to cite all references. You will turn in a copy and you will have an online class discussion over your answers. 1. Should all students receive the benefits of what is reserved for “gifted and talented” students? Why or Why Not? I do not believe that all students should receive the benefits of what is reserved for “gifted and talented” students. The reason I believe this way is simple, not all children are capable of handling the work necessary to receive such benefits. There are some students who have illnesses or mental difficulties that prevent them from utilizing things that some talented and gifted students receive. It is unfortunate, but it is also a fact of life that not everyone is capable of handling everything that someone else may be able to handle. 2. Does the book share insight into what special programs offer students who are identified as having learning difficulties? I believe the book about Joey Pigza showed very vaguely in the beginning of the book what special programs there were out there for children with his type of learning difficulties. It appeared that the school was making every effort to allow him to stay in a normal class. It wasn’t until he injured a little girl that they finally saw that he needed extra help. Before that they had sent him to the special classroom for more of a timeout type of activity. The teachers obviously had their hands full with him, but he himself knew that he was a good kid but he could not control himself. After the will girl was injured he was finally taken to a facility with doctors that could help him

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