Fast Food Nation Research Project

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Fast Food Nation Research Project (Paper and Presentation) We will be learning and practicing research skills in our study of a fast food (FF) restaurant using Fast Food Nation as a foundation. This unit involves many parts; pay close attention to the details below: Paper: 1. Create a group of 3-5 people to work with for the research paper and presentation. Please choose your group members wisely. 2. Your group will select a FF restaurant to research. 3. Review the research outline. Decide who will be responsible for which sections. You will have at least two sections assigned to you depending on the total number of group members. All topics and subtopics must be covered on the research outline. These sections will become the writing portion of your individual grade. Together, your group will write the introduction and conclusion. 4. Brainstorm with your group the questions/investigation strategies you will use…show more content…
You will also need to include Fast Food Nation, Super Size Me, Food, Inc. and interviews in your paper as sources. Pay close attention during these activities and take good notes! 7. Once you have gathered and evaluated information on your FF restaurant, decide as a group what your focus or thesis will be on your FF restaurant. Save all Xerox copies, interview notes, Internet printouts, pamphlets, etc. You will need these items to submit with your final paper. 8. As you begin to write your sections of the research paper, you must use MLA format for a research paper and review the paper rubric (to be distributed later) to ensure you are meeting all the criteria both individually and as a group. We will review and practice MLA format in class and you will receive several handouts. A Works Cited page in MLA format will be required. 9. Your group will turn in one copy of the research paper (with the group rubric on top). Each individual student will turn in a process packet with an individual rubric on top.
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