Jewish Life And The Holocaust Summary

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Jewish Life and the Holocaust The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews including 1.5 million Jewish children in Europe by the Nazi regime and its collaborators that took place between 1933-1945. Many of the Jews of eastern Europe lived in predominantly Jewish towns or villages, called shtetls. Eastern European Jews lived a separate life as a minority within the culture of the majority. They spoke their own language, Yiddish, which combines elements of German and Hebrew. They read Yiddish books, and attended Yiddish theater and movies. Although many younger Jews in larger towns were beginning to adopt modern ways and dress, older people often dressed traditionally,…show more content…
The main historical events of anti-Semitism are as follows: * The crusades; Christian soldiers tried to expel Muslims from the birthplace of god as they did not believe in him many massacred/crusaded many forced to choose between baptism/death, some fled to Central/Eastern Europe suffered outbursts of violence * The black death; (Bubonic plague) spread across Europe killing 1/3 population Jews blamed for initiating epidemic hate mobs developed * Nationalism; During nationalism, Europe viewed themselves as belonging to separate nations Jews identified as aliens/ disqualified citizenship and expelled from England * Social Darwinism; those within the strongest race would ultimately survive, late 19th century Jews unaccepted/viewed as different due to their religion/birth “aliens” term anti-Semitism first appeared (excluded any possibility of Jews being assimilated into German culture common bond of humanity began to believe…show more content…
Rise of Adolf Hitler * 1914At the outbreak of the First World War, Hitler volunteers for service in the German army and joined the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. He distinguishes himself in service, being promoted to corporal and decorated with the Iron Cross for services as a runner on the western front. * 1919Intent on remaining in the army, having found real purpose to his life, Hitler is appointed to the Intelligence/Propaganda section where he undertakes political training. His activities involve making speeches to the troops advocating German nationalism and anti-Socialism, where he developed further his oratory skills.
He also acts as an army informer, spying on small political parties. He joins the German Workers’ Party, an extreme anti-communist, anti-Semitic right wing organization. * 1920 Hitler is discharged from the army. In the German Worker’s Party he undertakes responsibility for publicity and propaganda. He changes the party’s name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, (or Nazi for short) The party represents a combination of intense hatred for the politicians who they considered had dishonored
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