Jesuit Missionaries Essay

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The Jesuit missionaries of the seventeenth century had mainly one goal in their minds, and that was to convert the First Nations into the French ways of life. The ways in which they planned on accomplishing these goals were to educate the First Nation people in a manner the French thought were “right”, and ultimately induct them into a completely alien form of religion. The Huron were early victims of European ethnocentrism. Huronia was one of the locations the Jesuits had decided to infiltrate and establish their goals of assimilation. Many of the Huron were not satisfied with their new visitors and eventually turned against these missionaries. With the Jesuits setting up permanent missions in Huronia, the Huron people suffered from many diseases including an epidemic of measles. With the Jesuits mass influence, the Huron felt their culture had been weakened due to the introduction of alien spiritual elements. Without knowing this themselves, the missionaries may have inadvertently contributed to the destruction of Huronia. Father Francois Du Peron was one of the many missionaries who was involved in this plan, and was part of the missionary order located in the Huron Country during the sixteen-hundreds. He was accompanied by 9 others of his kind for the responsibilities of their two residences, one at la Conception de Notre Dame, and the other at Saint Joseph. On the 27th of April, 1639, Father Peron had written a letter to his father Joseph Peron indicating his new employment which had been assigned to him by God. In this letter to his father, Peron reveals Huron cultural practices, their housings, their religious and medical practices, as well to frequently compare the lives of the Huron to those who live in France. With no surprise Peron gives a vibe of bias towards the Huron, but at the same time acknowledges them for their unique ways. Their land,
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