New Spain Research Paper

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The war for independence was fought to end colonial rule. The war was based on politics and a separation of powers. In this essay I will start from the rising annoyance amongst the indigenous population and how the higher ranking classes exploited their failures for their own societal class gain in a system where they have always been favored more by societal leaders. Once New Spain established its new territory, inner cores were created as part of the system. New Spain would be under direction of the mother country Spain. Its economy would strive to gain profit and make Spain richer and stronger by its colonial system. The economy was based on agriculture, ranching, mining, industry, and commerce. The majority of labor that would go into doing these jobs would be from the indigenous people. Most indigenous people were treated unfairly or poorly and worked long, hard hours. During the earlier years of conquest, the colonial church was still a whole. The church organization had created two distinct branches, secular and regular clergy. This would then be spread around the word of Christianity to save souls. By incorporating this belief into the inhabitants, the indigenous people would then believe their way of living was wrong and…show more content…
This upset many, but it would not cause the indigenous people to revolt until the reform of the church occurred. Spain ordered the expulsion of the Jesuits, who helped in educating and converting many indigenous people. The Creoles, who were educated by the indigenous people, became angered as well. Soon the change had begun to grow more and more upsetting to many. The rich grew richer and the poor grew poorer. The Creoles were the first to bring up the idea of independence from the throne. Soon after the colonies got word of Spain’s defeat by the French, the colonies sought to gain freedom from
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