Jean Sweetland Case Study Essay

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Case Studies Part 2 Jean Sweetland never expected that she would one day have so many different hats to wear .But now,in her early forties,when Jean comes home from her full-time job as a nurse and takes off her nurse's cap,it seems as through her day has barely started.With two teenage children living at home,Jean next must put on her mother's hat and enforce household rules,dispense advice,help with homework, or just provide a shoulder to cry on.Before her husband comes home from his own job,Jean has to pop on her chef's hat and get dinner started; the maid's cap will come out later,when Jean does the family's laundry and cleans the bathrooms.As if all this weren't enough,the responsibility has fallen…show more content…
2.What would be your best guess as to Jean Sweetland's parenting style,and why do you think so? I believe the way of the Sweetland family structure is that women in the house need to do their household work,such as cooking, cleaning,helping children doing homework. and her husband probaly either working long hours and has a second jobs besides his own job. 3.Describe the stage of social development that Jean Sweetland's adolescent children are most likely experiencing.In what ways might their own development be influencing Jean's? Jean's adolescent children are adapting the way their mother sacrificing herself for her children and family.Jean's adolescent children are also changing hormones and that might attract Jean's attention and feelings.and Jean's adolescent children might developing their own judgement and self -capacity. 4.If you were Jean's physician,how would you explain to her the changes that might be occurring in her aging

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