Jealousy and Revenge in 'Othello'

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Ryan Knight Professor Daramola 1 August 2012 English 1302 Jealousy And Vengeance In the story of, “Othello, the Moor of Venice” written by William Shakespeare tells the most famous literary work that focuses on the dangers of jealousy. These themes are portrayed through the character Iago who is determined to destroy Othello and his loved ones. The play “Othello” is a study of how jealousy can be fueled by mere circumstantial evidence and can destroy lives. In the beginning of the play, Iago feels betrayed by his good friend, Othello. Through many years of loyalty and service Iago is in personal pursuit to make himself Othello’s lieutenant. When Othello has to choose his lieutenant, he appoints Cassio. Iago feels hurt and betrayed, and realizes there is no remedy, except for revenge. Iago expresses his state of frustrations about Othello, “Against the Moor. For I do know the state, however this may gall him with some check, cannot with safety cast him”(Iago.1.1.144-147). In an attempt of revenge, Iago publically humiliates Brabantio at Othello’s expense. In the middle of the night, Iago calls outside Brabantio’s house to inform him that his daughter, Desdemona has run away and fled with Othello. Coming from two different backgrounds, Desdemona’s father takes offense to their interracial marriage. This demeans Othello and causes him to prove to Brabantio that he did not use any witchcraft or black magic to win Desdemona’s heart. When Desdemona professes her true love for Othello, her father disowns her. Iago’s first attempt to destroy Othello is successful, yet he still craves revenge. Iago wants to make Othello believe that Cassio is having an affair with his wife Desdemona. This will cause Othello to regret appointing Cassio as his lieutenant and simultaneously destroy Othello’s life. He knows that he

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