Life Of Martin Guerre Character Analysis

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LITERATURE 21/2/14 THE WIFE OF MARTIN GUERRE “You and only you, Madame, are answerable for the dishonor which has befallen me.” To what extent is Bertrande to blame for the situation confronting the Guerre family? The novel, The Wife of Martin Guerre, is set in the village of Artigues in 1539. The protagonist, Bertrande De Rols, experienced incredible hardship and despair caused primarily by Martin’s long absence. In addition, Bertrande went through great lengths to right the morally wrong, even when those closest to her gave her no assistance. Arnaud Du Tilh and Martin Guerre also have responsibility for the dishonour which had befallen the Guerre family, therefore Bertrande is not to…show more content…
Bertrande constantly questioned and confided in those closest to her only to be told she was mad. “All my household believe me to be mad”. The priest, who was an important figure at the time, dismissed Bertrande’s speculations and did not express any doubt about the strangers identity. Rather, he reassures Bertrande that men change over time and that Bertrande should “pray for understanding” . When Bertrande went on to sue Arnaud, he discouraged Bertrande to bringing the lawsuit against the rogue imposter as he was convinced that the man Bertrande was accusing was the real Martin. His evidence was that the stranger is Martin and refers to Bertrande’s illness as her “madness” . Bertrande also questioned Martins younger sister about how the new Martin did not resemble his father “in action or in feature” and told the sister that she did not believe this man to be the actual Martin. The sister replied incredulously, “how could you even think so?’. She informed Bertrande to never speak of it again “or to anyone”. She also forbid her to raise any suspicion about the strangers identity. Bertrande’s sister in law

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