Issues of Video Games in Teenagers Life's and Ergonomics

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Issues of Video Games in Teenagers life's and ergonomics The video game sector is the fastest growing entertainment industry. Study in 2008 found that 90% of children play video games every single week. Game's for people above 18+ start to be more popular than before, we know very little about the effects that video games may have on children's development and socialization. Video Games have many positive aspects, but also it can have many negative aspects. The postitive aspects include : Provide a fun and social way of entertainment, cooperation and teamwork while playing with other people, make kids feel comfortable with technology, increase children's self-confidence and self-esteem as they master games, provide things of common interest and opportunities for socialization, they are also for : develop skills in reading, math, technology and problem-solving encourage participation in related offline activities, such as reading or sports encourage civic participation, improve hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor skills A scientist thinks "age appropriate multi-player video games can allow children to learn how other people think - a key aspect of empathy. Games can also help a child become more comfortable with new and ever progressing technology." Which is in my opinion true. If computers are used properly by teenagers they will have only positive impact on their education. Parents of teenagers should be aware of : According to a Harris Interactive poll released in January of 2008, 23% of gamers surveyed reported that they felt addicted to video games. “ Some teens are heavy users of online role-playing games (RPGs) such as World of Warcraft and multiplayer games such as Call of Duty in which they interact with other players in real time. Students will often neglect schoolwork and other aspects of their daily lives when they become immersed in these
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