New Hampshire's Crimes Against Children On The Internet

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The Internet is an immense, global network that connects computers through telephone lines or networks to a mass of electronic information. With only a computer, a modem, and a telephone line, people from all over the world can communicate and share information with little more than a few keystrokes. Everyday, more children are entering Cyberspace. The Internet is a virtual world online and can be great in so many ways. You can easily access information that you’d normally be unable to get, you can see pictures from space shuttles, you can talk about hobbies, games, and much more. You can shop, read, learn, play, and socialize on the Internet, just like in real life. This means that just like there are safety rules in real life, there should be some on the Internet.…show more content…
Online computer exploration opens the world up for children, broadening their horizons and exposing them to different cultures and ways of life, but they can be exposed to dangers as they explore the Information Highway. “Today, more than 25 million children in the United States, or 40% of children two to seventeen years old, are using the Internet” (McAfee 1). A study conducted by the University of New Hampshire’s Crimes Against Children Research Center found that almost “20 percent of children who regularly use the Internet reported receiving unwanted sexual solicitations on-line.” When you think about the fact that nearly half of American children now have online access and that teenagers spend an average of eight hours online each week, 20 percent is a disturbing

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