Is Stanley Yelnats’ Constant Bad Luck the Fault of His Great Great Grandfather Elya Yelnats or Simply an Endless Run in with Bad Timing?

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“Is Stanley Yelnats’ constant bad luck the fault of his great great grandfather Elya Yelnats or simply an endless run in with bad timing?” The novel ‘Holes’, written by Louis Sachar, is about a young man name Stanley Yelnats who was sent to Camp Green Lake for committing a crime he did not commit. Throughout the book it shows that Stanley Yelnats’ constant bad luck is the fault of his great great grandfather Elya Yelnats. Stanley Yelnats always being in the wrong place at the wrong time is due to the curse. When Stanley was walking under the bridge “the sneakers fell from the sky” on to his head. Stanley was evidently in the wrong place at the wrong time, which he blamed on his great great grandfather later on in the novel. The Yelnats family never blamed their misfortune on bad luck, they always put the blame on Elya. Stanley’s great grandfather (Stanley the first, Elya’s son) was robbed and left in the middle of the dried up lake. ‘Kate Barlow had robbed him and left him stranded in the desert’. This evidently shows that this was due to Elya’s curse. The curse was put on Elya and his descendants, meaning his children and his children’s children. As the generations went on, the bad luck never left, it stayed, being their constant bad luck. Stanley Yelnats has faced quite a lot of bad luck in his lifetime. However, it is evidently shown that it is his great great grandfather’s fault for many things that have gone wrong in his life. The narrator states that Stanley’s great great grandfather, Elya Yelnats ‘thought nothing of the curse’. As Elya did not thing much of the curse, he did not carry Madame Zeroni up the hill like she asked and therefore she cursed him and all his descendants. Thus, Elya Yelnats’ reaction to Madame Zeroni’s curse is evidently the reason for his ‘problem’ Elya Yelnats ignored Madame Zeroni’s curse and therefore the curse was cast

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