Introductory Awareness of Autistic Spectrum Condition

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1.1. Describe the types of difficulty that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may have with language and other ways of communicating The effects of autism on communication are extremely varied. Most individuals do not have any trouble with pronunciation. The problems lie in using language effectively. Common problems are lack of eye contact, poor attention, being able to point objects to others, and difficulty with the 'give and take' in normal conversation. Some speak only single words, while others repeat a mimicked phrase over and over The body language of people with autism can be difficult for other people to understand. Facial expressions, movements, and gestures may be easily understood by some other people with autism, but do not match those used by other people. Also, their tone of voice has a much more subtle inflection in reflecting their feelings, and the auditory system of a person without autism often cannot sense the fluctuations. 1.2 Identify problems that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may havein social interaction and relantionships Communication difficulties may contribute to autistic people becoming socially anxious or depressed or prone to self-injurious behaviours. Significant percentage of people with autism are being diagnosed with co-morbid mood, anxiety and compulsive disorders which may also contribute to behavioural and functioning challenges. 1.3 Outline the problems of inflexibility and restrictveness in activitie and interests and how these may affect individuals on the autistic spectrum Individuals with autism like routine, don't like change, find it difficult to interact with others, are very focused on what interests them (sometimes to the point of obsession) they can easily become anxious and distressed. This makes them inflexible (won't let you change anything, repeat the same actions

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