Introduction to Communication in Health and Social Care

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Introduction to communication in health social care or children’s and young people’s settings 1.1 People communicate for different reasons, some communicate to express there needs and wants. Some people communicate to socialize with friends and family, they also communicate to express there feelings or pain. We communicate to express all kinds of feelings, wants, needs and thoughts. 1.2 Effective communication comes in to all aspects of my work. Talking to resident’s ascertaining there needs conveying to them what tasks I wish to carry out. Effective communication is crucial between staff members. If you’re working in a team you must communicate to know who is doing what when and how. Effective communication is crucial between day and night shift, handover is crucial communication if not correctly and efficiently, vital information to be missed and could cause harm or neglect to an individual. Effective communication is a crucial part of care for the carers and cared for. 1.3 Observing individuals reactions when communicating with them is a key part of getting the right answer. If a resident was to say “yes” to a question but they actually meant “no” the key may be in the facial expression, they could look annoyed, sad or any other emotion. Reactions that individuals make express a lot they can show fear which could alert you to abuse. They can show pain which they may not have reported alerting you to an injury. Reactions and facial expressions can communicate to us without words. As well as facial expressions people may react and show us felling in other ways such as change of tone, they may flinch; move away all these things tell us information. For instance if an individual was to flinch at fast movement near them this could show they may have been hit or they could be nervous. Reactions communicate some times more than words if you notice them. 3.1
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