Influence Quiz Essay

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1. Explain the ABC conceptual Model (3 points) The definition of the ABC conceptual Model (Attitude-Behaviour Consistency) is that two factors make attitudes drive behaviour (if we can change a receiver’s attitude then we are in position to influence his behaviour): - Attitude availability (when the receiver knows that he can think on one topic). And - Attitude relevance (When it applies to the situation that concerns the receiver). 2. What is the difference between influence and persuasion? (2 points) The difference between influence and persuasion is in the change tool and approach. Persuasion tries to change a receiver through communication (verbal and nonverbal messages) and seeks attitude (internal) change. By contrast influence tries to change a receiver without communication and may achieve behaviour (external) change without gaining attitude (internal) change. 3. What is the difference between systematic and heuristic modes of thinking? (3 points) The difference between systematic and heuristic modes of thinking is mainly in their way of dealing with things. Heuristic mode is adopted by people who do not want to expend the energy needed to think carefully and effort fully and have less accurate perception about something. However Systematic mode people think about things more carefully, apply deeply reflection, pay more attention, and have more concern and being analysts. Also in the long term situation Persistence is longer, resistance is stronger and prediction is higher for the systematic mode of thinking. 4. Which of the above modes of thinking is more persistent over time? (1 point) Systematic mode of thinking is more persistent over time 5. Do people generally think more using the Central or Peripheral route? (1 point) People generally think more using the Peripheral route 6. Which mode of thinking prefers arguments over cues?
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