Indus River Trade and Transport

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Trade and Transport The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations which lasted from 3300 BC to 1700 BC. This civilization was well developed in terms of art, culture, science, urban planning. Their economy was based on agriculture and trade which was facilitated by an excellent means of transportation of that time. The excavations showed the evidences of international trades with Persian Gulf, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Indus civilization first time ever used the wheeled transport in the world history. The bullock cart, ships and ferries were the main sources of transportation of Indus River civilization. Ghulam Fatima 4/16/2012 Indus River Civilization: Trade and Transportation The Indus River Civilization was one of the world's first great urban civilizations along with its contemporaries, Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. This civilization was lasted from 3300 BC to 1700 BC. The discovery of this civilization was made when the Harappa city was excavated which is considered as first city of Indus Civilization (Harappa Excavations, 2001). Therefore this civilization is also known as the Harappa civilization. This city was discovered by British engineers when they used the brick from Harappa ruins in building East India Railway line between Lahore to Karachi. This discovery was then followed a big excavation campaign under the supervision of Sir John Hubert Marshall in 1921-22 (Basham, 1963). This excavation continued till 1931 and discovered the Mohenjo-Daro city in Sindh. After partition of Indian continent in 1947, this Indus valley was divided between India and Pakistan. In 1949, Sir Mortimer Wheeler conducted series of intensive excavations as an Archaeological advisor to the Government of Pakistan and made important discoveries although this civilization is still a puzzle for the researchers. The Ancient Indus

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